buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Creative Portfolio | Showcase Your Work style.css header class hero nav div Portfolio class logo div class nav-links a Works href #works a About href #about a Contact href #contact div class hero-content h1 Creative Portfolio p Showcasing beautiful works and inspiring designs a View Gallery class cta-button href #works main section id works class portfolio-grid h2 Featured Works div class grid-container article class portfolio-item img Project 1 class lazy data-src portfolio1.jpg alt Digital Art Project div class overlay h3 Digital Art p Modern abstract exploration article class portfolio-item img Project 2 class lazy data-src portfolio2.jpg alt Web Design Project div class overlay h3 Web Design p E-commerce experience article class portfolio-item img Project 3 class lazy data-src portfolio3.jpg alt Photography div class overlay h3 Photography p Urban landscapes section id about class about-section h2 About Me div class about-content img Profile class profile-pic data-src profile.jpg alt Profile Picture div class bio p Creative professional with a passion for digital arts and design p Specializing in web design, digital art, and photography section id contact class contact-section h2 Get in Touch form class contact-form div class form-group label Name for name input type text id name required true div class form-group label Email for email input type email id email required true div class form-group label Message for message textarea id message required true button Send Message type submit class submit-btn footer div class footer-content div class social-links a Instagram href # a Behance href # a LinkedIn href # p Made with passion for creativity script.js